Neck Pain one Side


Neck Pain one Side –  If You are Suffering From Neck Pain Then Read it now.

Till a few years ago, the diseases that no one had thought about, today they are becoming part of our life. These physical problems like joint pain, backache, neck pain etc. are sometimes so painful that it is almost impossible to bear. The condition of the disease can be estimated by looking at or measuring the injury or fever etc. on the body, but the intensity of the pain can be estimated only by the pain bearer.

A very disturbing disease like this is neck pain, it is a bone related problem. This disease causes severe pain in the shoulders, neck etc. and this problem can happen to anyone. At present, maximum number of people are suffering from cervical spondylitis due to irregular routine and uncertain lifestyle. Therefore, all of us should know about its causes, symptoms and home remedies.

What is cervical spondylosis?

Cervical spondylitis is a disease of the neck and spine. This disease usually occurs to those who work by bending the neck.  Most people who work continuously for several hours sitting in the office, bending their neck, studying in one position continuously or sitting in a table-chair fall victim to it. On the other hand, on the smart phone nowadays, by prolonging the neck, keeping the head and neck in an inappropriate position is also increasing its problem.

Scientific facts and reasons.

Cervical spondylosis is caused by inappropriate changes in the cushions present in the spinal joints with increasing age.

Feeling of weakness in the arms and all-time cramps in the neck point to cervical spondylosis.

It has been observed that after the age of 40, the cushion in the middle of the spine weakens and the spinal flexibility also decreases, this leads to pressure on the vein and feeling unbearable pain, numbness, tingling, weakness etc. Occur.

Long-term use of the neck bone in the same posture reduces the space between the two bones and causes pain in and around the neck due to obstruction of the muscles attached to the spine, which later become cervical spondylitis. goes.

The following reasons may also increase the chances of cervical spondylitis:

Occupational reasons: Lifting heavy weights on the head such as porter, labor, dancing, doing heavy weight workouts, sewing embroidery, fine jewelry making etc.

Genetic Cause: When a disease is passed on from generation to generation in families, then it is called genetic cause and heredity is due to God and cannot be run away from. Cervical spondylitis can also occur by heredity.

Situation and habits: Continuous head-to-head work, sleeping long distances, sitting and sitting, long-term telephone support, etc. also increase the risk.

Quick tricks.

When working in the same position for a long time while sitting or bending, make sure to take breaks from time to time to relieve muscles and relieve stiffness.

If you have to work by bending forward, then after work, do some exercise by leaning backwards.

If you have constant neck pain, get a neck X-ray done with the advice of a doctor.

If you have already had cervical spondylitis, then take the right treatment and exercise, you will definitely get rest.

When our body starts struggling with any disease, we can live our life smoothly only by making appropriate changes in our lifestyle, not considering it as the end of life.

What are the major symptoms of cervical spondylitis?

Having severe pain in the neck and tendons intermittently and prolonging this pain is a symptom of cervical spondylitis.

Slowly, along with neck pain, muscles also start getting stiff.

Many times this pain spreads rapidly from the shoulders to the head.

In some patients, this pain also affects the back and then begins to be felt through the shoulders to the hands and fingers as well.

There is a lot of pain in the back of the head.

Sudden neck and shoulder sensation is also a symptom of cervical spondylitis.

Sometimes unusual symptoms are also seen, such as chest pain.

Very difficult to rotate the neck.

Having stiff neck muscles.

Abnormal weakness in neck and hand muscles in severe condition.

Cervical spondylitis examination.

Cervical spondylitis is a serious disease, so it cannot be ignored. Immediate medical examination is very necessary to detect its symptoms. Some tests can be done to confirm this disease, such as:

Neck X-ray: By performing an X-ray, there are visible defects in the spinal cord.

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): Diagnosis of cervical spondylitis can be determined by this test.  Through this investigation, it can also be ascertained where the pressure on the vein is actually falling or not.

EMG (Electromyography): This test helps in detecting the damage done to the roots of the veins at the affected place.

What is the right treatment for cervical spondylitis?

1. Formal treatment.

With the advice of the doctor, the body gets relief by taking allopathic medicines to reduce pain and can do all the work smoothly. These medicines are also very helpful to reduce the spasms in the muscles around the neck. Additionally, the use of a medicated neck belt can control neck movements and relieve pain. With the help of operations the pressure on the vein is also reduced.

2. Physiotherapy.

This process prevents the patient’s disease from persisting for a long time, as well as reducing the amount of medicines.  It also prevents the unbearable pain of cervical spondylitis from recurring.

3. Proper lifestyle changes.

Once the symptoms of cervical spondylitis are confirmed, the patient should make some appropriate changes in his lifestyle.  It is very important to abstain from all the works which you feel pain or some time after the work. Some such works which can be made a part of your life, then you can get relief in pain and perhaps slowly the disease can be completely cured, they should be included without delay in their lives.

What to do.

Make neck related yoga and exercise an unbreakable part of your life.  They provide strength and flexibility to the neck muscles.

The pillow should be discarded at bedtime.  If it is difficult to change the habit, take a thin pillow or use special medicated pillow for cervical spondylitis. The mattress on the bed should not be too soft, but a stiff mattress helps to keep the spine straight and provides comfort in all the problems associated with it.

While getting up or lying down, sit on the bed with one side and sit upright on the bed first, then wake up, do not get up at all with a jerk.

Take a regular walk for at least 20 -30 minutes as comfortably as possible.

Do any work throughout the day, but make sure that there is no shock to the neck and whenever you feel tired, leave the work in between and give some rest to the neck.

In case of pain, keep the neck straight and keep the belt tied as much as possible.

Remember that you have to take care of your health, if you are healthy then all the work will be done anyway.

What not to do.

Do not sit in the same position for long time, this puts a lot of emphasis on the neck.

If the pain is more, then do not do any exercise that stresses the neck and increases your pain.

Do not lift any weight on the head and shoulders, this leads to improper stretching on the spinal cord and the distance between bones can increase further.

Try not to go through pit paths, although it is a bit difficult because you cannot decide the path. In such a situation, you travel only by applying neck belt and car seat belt.

Some people have a habit of sleeping on their stomach, but if you are surrounded by cervical spondylitis, do not sleep on your stomach at all. By doing this, the spine remains hanging. So sleep only by lying down so that the spine can have full support of the bed surface and you can get complete rest from the sleep of the night.

If you have to turn to look at something, do not look back by turning the neck, but instead turn around completely.

Whenever there is pain, do not do spinal massage at all to get relief. The spine is very delicate and is like a bow. Therefore, massage can increase the space between the bones of the spine and the bowls can move from their place and you may have to suffer instead of rest.

Exercise and yoga for cervical spondylitis.

Cervical spondylitis can be cured by yoga or exercise. Learning well from the experts of yoga or exercise for the first few days, then doing it daily on your own gives great benefit.  Following are some common exercises:

Exercise: The main exercises performed in cervical spondylitis help to relax the neck and head muscles and increase the flexibility of the cervical vertebrae.  Doing the following 3 exercises primarily gives great benefit.

First place the right palm on the right cheek, now try to rotate the neck to the right. While doing this, you will feel pressure on the right palm and you will see the opposite direction of that pressure.  In the same way, place the left palm on the left cheek and repeat the above process on the left.

In the second procedure, try to apply pressure by placing both palms on the forehead and vice versa, press the palms from the forehead.

This time, by holding the fingers of both hands together, place them on the back side of the head and press forward on the head with this palm net, then similarly press the palm of the head backwards.

Yogasana: Apart from this, some yogasanas can also give you relief in the pain of cervical spondylitis like Bhujangasana, Naukasana, Dhanurasana etc.

Note: Do the above mentioned exercises or Yogasan only with the advice of your doctor and keep in mind that do not do these exercises in lieu of the exercises prescribed by the doctor. Please do exercise or yoga with your coach only.  If you feel pain or any other problem while exercising, stop exercising immediately and make sure to contact the doctor as soon as possible.

Cervical spondylitis is a serious problem and its treatment is very important.  Please do not ignore it and take care of yourself, because this body and its health is the biggest capital of a human being.