Symptoms of Heart Attack For Male

Heart attack is not fatal every time but every time its symptoms need to be taken seriously.

He exhibits all sorts of symptoms before a heart attack. By taking a little care it can be prevented from becoming fatal. It is not fatal every time but every time its symptoms need to be taken seriously.  Its symptoms are seen differently in everyone. In some people it occurs suddenly while some people get a heart attack after giving many types of warnings. Today, we are going to tell you about some symptoms of heart attack in men which warn you of the dangers of heart attack in time.

1. Stomach problems – Repeated belching, indigestion and nausea can be a sign of heart problems. Since the veins of your gastrointestinal tract are connected to the heart’s veins, any symptoms of heart problems can be seen in the stomach.

2. Chest pain – This is a common symptom of heart attack. Every time chest pain is not a symptom of heart attack, but if pain arises in the middle of your chest, it can be a heart attack. Apart from this, there is a possibility of heart attack even under very high stress. Excessive stress increases the heart-beat, causing the veins to contract and obstruct blood flow.

3. Snoring – Continuous snoring and inability to draw enough breath while sleeping can also be the cause of heart attack. In this case, it should be treated immediately. Sleep irregularities make the heartbeat irregular. This also increases the risk of heart attack.

4. Feet pain on walking – If you have pain in your feet or hips while walking, it can also be a sign of heart attack. Due to narrowing of the arteries and obstructing blood flow, less blood reaches the joints, abdomen and head. In such a situation, there is also a lack of blood in the legs, which causes pain in it.