Does a Heart Attack Cause High Blood Pressure

Does a Heart Attack Cause High Blood pressure – High Blood Pressure is not only The risk of heart attack, but also the cause of brain stroke.

Does a Heart Attack Cause High Blood pressure - High Blood Pressure is not only The risk of heart attack, but also the cause of brain stroke.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report released in the year 2012, 139 million people in India are suffering from uncontrolled high blood pressure and this number is increasing every year.  In India, in the year 1960, 5 percent people suffered from high blood pressure which increased to about 12 percent in 1990.

The infamous hypertension (hypertension) known as the silent killer increases the risk of heart and brain attacks manifold.  According to medical experts, the risk of heart attack and brain attack or stroke due to high blood pressure is doubled and if there is stress and sleep problems besides hypertension, then the risk can increase up to four times.

The relationship between high blood pressure and heart attack is deep.

Dr. R.N., a cardiologist and director of Kalra Hospital & Shriram Cardio Thoracic & Neurosciences Center (SRCNC), New Delhi.  Kalra said that studies have proved that there is a deep correlation between high blood pressure and heart attack.  High blood pressure is an important risk factor for heart disease, because when the blood pressure rises, the heart has to work harder to pump blood around the body.  This extra work causes the heart muscle to become thick, and this can harden or even damage the arterial walls.  Due to this, less oxygen reaches the body parts and due to overwork of the heart, the heart gets damaged over time.

The main cause of brain stroke.

According to Dr. Rahul Gupta, director of the neurosurgery department of Fortis Escort Heart Institute and Research Center, New Delhi, high blood pressure not only increases the risk of heart attack, but it is also a major cause of brain stroke.  According to the latest scientific studies, the risk of brain stroke due to hypertension is doubled. Every 10 mm hemogram increase in systolic blood pressure increases the risk of ischemic stroke by 28 percent and the risk of hemorrhagic stroke by 38 percent.  However, control of high blood pressure reduces the risk of stroke.

There are 130 million people in India, its patients According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report released in the year 2012, 139 million people in India are suffering from uncontrolled high blood pressure and this number is increasing every year. In India, in the year 1960, 5 percent people suffered from high blood pressure which increased to about 12 percent in 1990.  In the year 2008 it increased to 30 percent and people started suffering from high blood pressure even in their 20s.  High blood pressure is responsible for 57 percent of all stroke deaths in India and 24 percent of deaths from coronary heart disease.

Hypertension is silent killer.

Dr. Gupta says that hypertension is called a ‘silent killer’, as more than 30 percent of people with high blood pressure are not known to suffer from it.  Most of the times, very minor symptoms or no symptoms appear.  Some of the signs that you should pay attention to are difficulty in breathing, chest pain or heaviness, headache, irregular heartbeat (palpitations), problems with seeing, problems with urination, etc.

He said,These seemingly minor symptoms can be signs of damage to the arteries and vital organs of the body which can be fatal to life in the future and may require emergency treatment. Therefore, we should not only treat high blood pressure  One should not identify and control, but rather promote healthy lifestyles and preventive strategies to reduce the spread of hypertension among the common people. 

What should high blood pressure patients do.

Dr. Kalra suggests that people should get their blood pressure checked regularly.  It is necessary to keep blood pressure under control to prevent fatal events for life.  Adopt a healthy lifestyle for prevention of heart disease, regular exercise, not consuming any tobacco products, 7-hour sleep, controlling stress, high intake of fruits, limited intake of alcohol  Are the most important.

He said that the most worrying fact about high blood pressure is that it can affect any age group. Although it is considered to be a disease of the elderly or obese people, but now it is being recognized much more among the youth. High blood pressure can affect any part of the body, whether it is the brain, heart or kidneys.  Patients may complain of headache, fatigue, anxiety, dizziness, weakness, confusion, nausea, chest pain, and even weakness in one part of the body.

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