Ear Pain in child at Night. Child’s Ear Gets Pain, so do care
Due to cold and cold for a long time, the Eustachian tube coming from the back of the nose to the ear stops working properly, which leads to infection and inflammation and the pressure in the ear becomes abnormal due to increased fluid. This tube in children is small
Sudden ear pain is a common problem. Usually this problem happens to children. In this, the child wakes up crying at night due to ear pain and parents get upset. Let’s know about the cause and treatment of ear pain: –
Reason: Eustachian tube coming from the back of the nose to the ear stops working properly due to cold and cold for a long time, which leads to infection and inflammation, and the pressure in the ear becomes abnormal due to increased fluid. In children, this tube is fragile due to it being small and straight, so they have more headache. Pain causes the child to sleep, fever, irritability, diarrhea, vomiting, hearing loss and ear heaviness. Pimples in the ears, scabies, swelling, sore throat, teeth and jaw problems can also cause earache.
Caution: By ignoring the pain, the pressure in the ear may increase and pierce the curtain. Ignoring affects the mestroid bone behind the brain and ear.
Do not follow the confusion: Many times parents see the child’s discomfort and put drops of hot oil in his ear, which gives some rest for some time but there is a risk of external infection.
Treatment: Pain relievers, antibiotics, antiallergic, and anticold medications are given. Decongestants are given to reduce inflammation in the eustachian tubes of the nose. Repeated ventilation tubes (grommets) are treated when fluid accumulates behind the curtain of the ear.
Take precaution.
Avoid dust and smoke. Avoid sour and cold things in the fridge. Only give breast milk to small children. Also, mother and baby should not be fed by lying down. While feeding, keep baby’s head slightly elevated. Do not go to dirt and crowded places. People with the disease should not take swimming and air travel.
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