12 Best Healthy Food – Health Foods Chart

food is healthy.  Do you know what are the benefits of a healthy diet?

12 Best Healthy Food - Health Foods Chart
Healthy Food 

If a healthy diet seems to be difficult, it is necessary to exercise a healthy way of living a healthy, useful and good food.  Eating healthy food is guaranteed to be not only valid, working from the righteous, but also to reduce the stress of the wind ‘to promote less of a problem. From a food diet it protects from cellular damage to cells and the repair of environmental degradation.

But it is difficult to eat healthy food.  Several days to meet the nutritional needs of a healthy food developer.  Here are some things that can be included in your daily diet.

1. Apple.

100 antioxidants, rich vitamin to help fight apple free radicals fiber and antioxidants.  Free radicals in the body, which are a source of the substance that cannot be produced from the cause of the aging process and may participate in this disease.

2.T eggs.

Planet eggs are most nutritious food.  Eggs contain only 75 calories, protein 7 grams, high quality, 5 grams of fat and 1.6 grams of saturated fat, extra iron, vitamins, minerals and carotenoids.  Lutein and zeaxanthin are combinations of nutrients such as eggs and disease fight.

3. Chicken breast.

Chicken is much less in fat and calories and rich in protein.  It is an excellent source of many nutrients.  Eggs are best to eat in the gym.

4. Avocado.

Avocado is full, and rather fat and healthy carbohydrates.  It is creamy, aromatic smoking and rich in fiber, potassium and vitamin 100, it can increase your home food beta-carotene.

5. Nuts.

It is rich in vitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium and fiber.  Studies show that nuts can help you lose weight and improve mental health.

6. Cauliflower.

Raw broccoli, raw vegetables.  It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamin 100, 100 and more protein than other crops.  It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamin and 100, and 100 more protein than other crops.

7. Allium bisum.

Garlic is an incredibly healthy diet.  Strong biological effects are biologically active, which contains allisienverbinding, including resistance.  Garlic can inhibit the growth of bacteria. It is a pathogen that is capable of E. coli.  Currently a mixture of garlic’s attractive, powerful anti-inflammatory and known to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

8. Fish and seafood.

Fish and seafood are very nutritious.  This is especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids and iodine, which are difficult to get enough.  Fish are large in fat for salmon flavor, high in protein and high in omega-3 fatty acids for nutrition.  Contains vitamin 500, tuna, tubes and shrimp

9. Desire.

It is an incredibly powerful oat healthy food that contains rich nutrients called glukane fiber beets.  Cholesterol and blood pressure will help maintain oats.  Oatmeal is rich in B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and potassium metabolism.

10. Blue Bar.

Cranberries are rich in fiber, antioxidants and fruits.  Tomorrow is disease prevention and staying healthy.

11. Dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate is not only delicious on this list, but it can also be healthy.  Magnesium and dark fibers rich in chocolate are the most powerful antioxidants.

12 islands.

Not only, but on that day, without being inexhaustible and fun, not for food it produces good and mineral-rich fibers and vitamin K, which is why it is rather a kind of base and looks good.

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