10 Best Healthy Foods – Top Food For Health

10 best healthy foods list 

10 Best Healthy Foods - Top Food For Health

Top 10 Best Healthy Foods

Healthy foods include more fruits and vegetables, nuts, beans, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, little salt, sweet drinks, white flour, and red meat.  Where do we start  Here are the top 10 foods – foods that you should eat regularly, as they are the best for your health and are delicious.

1. sweet potato

Sweet potato is a nutritious star.  They are loaded with carotenoids, and are a good source of potassium and fiber.  Add potato flour in a little olive oil and fry it till it becomes soft and light brown.  Sprinkle with one or two spices, such as cinnamon or hot pepper.

2. Mango

A cup of mango provides about 100% vitamin C per day, one third of vitamin A per day, a good dose of potassium that lowers blood pressure, and 3 grams of fiber.  Reward: This is unique.  And don’t eat a little sweet honey mango – dubbed champagne, Manila or Aflo from March to June.

3. Plain Greek Yogurt (0%)

Uncured Greek fat-free yogurt (0%) has a good flavor, and flax berries, bananas, or your favorite whole grains are perfect for the natural sweetness of cereal.  It is stressful, so even the 0% fat versions are thick and creamy.  The missing liquid means that the remaining yogurt has twice the normal milk protein (but less calcium) – 15 grams in 5 ounces of 0% regular Greek yogurt.

It is loaded with vitamin C, carotenoids, vitamin K, and folic acid.  Steam until it becomes green and tender.  Add Parmesan and sprinkle fresh lemon juice.  Or try one of these ideas from Healthy Chef, Kate Sherwood.

5. Wild Salmon

such as salmon, are rich in omega-3 fats, may help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.  Many sources of caught wild salmon are more durable than farmed salmon.  Tip: Keep some salmon bags in your salary.  Bags are easy (no drain!) And salmon are usually caught.

6. Oatmeal

Oatmeal offers a delicious breakfast of whole grains, whether it is brisk, old-fashioned, or cut into steel.  Each has a dry (dry) cup of regular cabbage oats containing 4 grams of fiber, which is about half of the soluble type that helps lower cholesterol.  Mix the cooked oatmeal with toasted almond slices and bananas instead of sugar or salt.  Or try sliced ​​apples with cinnamon and raisins or sliced ​​pears with nuts and nutmeg.

7.  Garbenzo pills

All beans are healthy beans.  It is rich in protein, fiber, copper, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc.  But Garbanos stands out because it is versatile.  See non-salt items, such as Whole Food 365, in Can.  Mix in a handful of shake salad, or add it to vegetable, curry and soup dishes.

8. Watermelon

Watermelon is a heavy weight in the nutrient section.  A standard meal (about two cups) contains one third of vitamins A and C per day, a good shot of potassium and a healthy dose of lycopene for 90 calories free of salt.  When in season, watermelons are often grown locally, meaning they may have a carbon footprint compared to some other fruits.

9. Squash

Heat boiled squash or buy dried squash prepared in oven, fried, or broth.  It is an easy and satisfactory way to get plenty of vitamins A, C and fiber.

10.  leafy greens

Do not miss strong greens like keel, kale, spinach, mustard and Swiss chard.  These staple leafy vegetables are loaded with vitamins A, C and K, folate, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and fiber.  Sauté a little olive oil with chopped garlic and season with crushed black pepper and vinegar red wine.

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