Coronavirus Letest News – Corona virus News

Coronavirus Letest News – Corona virus News

Coronavirus Letest News - Corona virus News
Coronavirus News

CoronaVirus: The Governor Inslee ordered the temporary closure of restaurants and bars and the banning of large gatherings across the state

SEATTLE – Government Guy Jay Insly announced that it would temporarily shut down restaurants, bars, and leisure and recreation facilities across the state due to the Coron virus.  It will take restaurants only and will be delivered.  Security will expand to limit the size of major celebrations to just 50 people.

On Sunday, Inslee released a statement to further strengthen protection against COVID-19.  Read the following statement:


Given the explosion of COVID-19 in our state and around the world, tomorrow I will sign a statewide emergency announcement to temporarily close restaurants, bars and leisure and entertainment facilities.

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The three states that suffered the worst from the coronary epidemic in Europe recorded the highest deaths in a single day.

Italy recorded 368 deaths and a total of 1809, Spain recorded 97 other deaths with a total of 288, and France recorded 29 deaths, for a total of 120 deaths.

Britain also set a one-day record, with 14 new deaths and a total of 35 deaths.

Across Europe, governments have responded by slowing civilian harm and tightening borders.

Germany must take control of its borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark and Luxembourg Monday morning, while Portugal closes its front with Spain.

The Czech government has introduced strict closures: people will be allowed to go to work, buy food or medicine and make immediate family trips, but otherwise free movement will be severely restricted by midnight on Sunday (23:00 GMT).  ) It will be March 24.

Austria has banned gatherings of more than five people since Monday, and the Republic of Ireland requests the bar be closed before March 29.

Schools will be closed in many European countries.

The World Health Organization has declared Europe to be the “epicenter” of the epidemic in China.
  The number of global deaths and coronavirus infection in China exceeded for the first time in China since the outbreak began.

According to the China National Health Commission, affiliated with Johns Hopkins University, infections worldwide exceeded 87,000 cases, while cases within China were 80,860 as of Monday.

According to John Hopkins, deaths outside of China exceeded 3,241, while deaths in China reached 3,208 on Monday (except for four in Hong Kong and one in Taiwan).

A chart prepared by Johns Hopkins University described the surge in world affairs.  The angle of the global yellow curve shows that the transition outside China has progressed much faster than inside China at the beginning of the transition there.

The Johns Hopkins University CSSE coronavirus tracking SEA chart shows the prevalence of a global Kovid-19 infection (in yellow) in China.  00:50 GMT, correct as of Monday, March 16th.  Photo: Johns Hopkins University CSSE

The largest infection center is located outside China in Italy, with approximately 25,000 confirmed infections and more than 1,800 deaths.

Elsewhere in Europe, which the World Health Organization has described as the epidemic center, France has 4,500 cases and 91 deaths, Germany has 11 deaths and more than 5,700 injuries, and the Netherlands has 20 deaths and 2,270 injuries.  Switzerland There are 14 deaths and 2,200 injuries, 21 deaths and 1,144 in the United Kingdom.

The next country most affected is Iran, with only 14,000 confirmed cases and 724 deaths.  There are fears that the country’s fragile health and economic services are struggling to cope with the outbreak, and satellite photos on Friday showed mass graves dug in Corum to bury coronary victims.

Follow the Johns Hopkins Coronet Virus Tracking Program from 01:15 GMT, Monday, March 16.  Photo: Johns Hopkins University CSSE

In the United States, whose response to the virus has increased dramatically over the weekend with the announcement of National Emergency Donald Trump, the number of cases has reached 3,500 with at least 57 deaths.  There was heavy criticism of the Trump administration, and the president himself, who suggested only two weeks ago when the country was suffering 15 casualties, suggested that the number would have fallen to zero long ago.

Trump also accused Democrats of using coronaviruses as “a new parody to him,” promising a science-based vaccine as soon as possible.

American Centers for Disease Control.  USA They have discouraged more than 50 people from gathering over the next eight weeks.

Coronavirus News

News / Coronarius Pandey /

The number increases as the coronavirus increases global control: a direct update

The big leap of deaths in Italy and Iran and governments around the world order people out of the streets.

Posted by Kate Mayberry

25 minutes ago

Countries in the United States and Europe are closing schools, entertainment sites and all basic services while stepping up efforts to combat the coronavirus.

Schools in New York City closed down online conversion classes, and entertainment venues were ordered closed as of Tuesday, as officials increasingly resort to quarantine measures to fight a virus, which has now killed 5,800 people worldwide.

Governments also restrict travel, to curb the movement of people and to impose new restrictions on arrivals from abroad.  South Korea and China, who have both warned about imported injuries, have adjusted international access requirements.

Trump declared a national emergency as the coronary virus crisis worsened

Corona Virus: What are the confirmed countries?

What happens if I catch a new coronavirus?

According to the country’s Civil Protection Authority, Italy recorded 368 new deaths from the Corona virus, while the number of confirmed cases increased to 24477.

Iran has announced that more than 100 people have died in the past 24 hours, confirming nearly 14,000 people.  Tehran said that US sanctions hampered its war against the disease.

Here are the latest updates:

Monday 16 March

05:15 GMT – Turkey reports 12 new cases of coronavirus

Turkey has identified 12 new cases of coronavirus, bringing the total number to 18, Minister of Health Fahren Koca said, adding that the country experienced the largest daily increase since the first case was announced last week.

Coca said that two of the new cases relate to the first recorded in the country, seven in Europe and three in the United States.

The Turkish government has implemented measures to stop the spread of the virus, close schools and universities, prevent sporting events without spectators, and stop flights in many countries.

Quarantine was imposed on the thousands of Muslims who returned to Turkey after a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia on Sunday and the Ministry of the Interior said that bars and nightclubs would be closed starting on Monday.

04:40 GMT – Jack Ma from China sends masks and test crews to America

A new coronavirus called CoV-2 SARS has spread to all continents except Antarctica, the first country in the United States.  United States of America The case relates to a 35-year-old man who traveled to Wuhan, China before returning to Washington state.  It was confirmed that it was infected with the virus on January 20, 2020. Since then, the virus (causing COVID-19) has spread to almost every state, with new cases emerging every day.

About 2,952 people have been confirmed to be infected with the virus in the United States.  Although many other cases can not be identified.  57 people died in deaths in Washington (40), California (5), Florida (3), New York (2), Georgia (1), Kansas (1), New Jersey (1).  .  Colorado (1), Louisiana (1), South Dakota (1) and Virginia (1).  (Globally, about 156,400 cases have been confirmed, with 5,833 deaths).

[Live Science tracks the number of cases and related news from each US state.  United States Click on your state in the list below for more information.]

The virus profoundly changes American life.  States across the country banned large gatherings.  Football, music and conference games are canceled.  Hospitals and nursing homes prohibit visits to protect the most vulnerable people from COVID-19.  Airports were hit by a pandemic after the detection measures entered into force for returnees from Europe.  About 20 states have kept all schools closed for weeks.  Hospitals are preparing for a tsunami for patients, canceling optional procedures, redesigning their facilities for coronary patients, and adding extra beds.  The COVID-19 audience finally reached the White House; it was tested after a positive case confirmed by President Donald Trump.  Negative test.

Related: Coronary Virus Resources: US Department of State and Local Health.  United States of America

On Friday (March 13), Congress passed a bill aimed at helping people affected by the coronavirus.  The bill broadens access to free tests, extends sick leave for the most vulnerable, and provides nutritional assistance.  Trump also declared a national emergency.

Trump announced on March 11 that he would suspend all U.S. trips to Europe for 30 days.

Although there are approximately 3000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, the actual number of cases may be greater.  As of March 13, Trevor Bedford, a computational biologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, estimated that there are 10,000 to 40,000 cases of COVID-19 in the United States.  (This figure is based on approximate estimates, not by peer review).

Related: Coronary Virus Resources: US Department of State and Local Health.  United States of America

Coronary Basics

What are the symptoms?
How deadly is the new coronavirus?
How long will the virus stay on the surface?
Is there a cure for COVID-19?
How to compare with seasonal flu?
Is the coronavirus spread?
Can people transmit the coronavirus after recovery?

The prevalence of new coronaviruses can be detected as steam in the United States.  As more people in HIV-affected areas (such as the Pacific Northwest) report diseases such as influenza (ILI), or those that include coughs or fever greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius), not a painful throat.  On March 15, Life Sciences reported that these individuals are passive flu, and they may have COVID-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus.

Limited testing

Although President Trump said on March 7 that “anyone who wants to take a test can be tested,” the limited testing ability of the United States means that in practice, only a small portion of people with symptoms are tested.  .  The New York Times reported that Alex M.  Minister of Health and Human Services.  Azar II explained that the doctor or another medical specialist must pass the test first.

As of March 14, local public health laboratories have been announced in 83 states and 50 states and the COVID-19 Clinical Trials Center and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the District of Columbia.  Beginning Friday afternoon (March 13), the US Centers for Disease Control.  United States of America General labs analyzed more than 19,700 samples.  This is not the equivalent of many people who have been tested, as laboratories can do two tests for each person to confirm the infection.

However, on Friday, Deborah Perks, a member of the President’s Task Force on Coron Virus, said the United States had provided emergency permission to Roche Holdings to start its automated tests, which should measure the ability to conduct rapid tests.

Coronavirus: US Live Update United States of America, schools are closed and assembled

Biden and Sanders asked the National Guard to help spread the disease, and the Federal Reserve reduced it to almost zero.  For the first time, the rest of the world has more cases than China.

Here is what you need to know:

Countries are taking strict steps to stop the virus, close schools, cancel meetings, and close restaurants.

Biden and Sanders say the army can help fight the virus.

There is no meeting 50 or more at the moment urging CDCs.

Federal cutoff rate is approximately zero.

There are now more new cases outside of China than the outbreak.

Chelsea market in Manhattan on Sunday.  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention late Sunday night in the United States, mass mobilization of 50 or more people is not recommended for eight weeks.  Very good … Jose A for the New York Times.  Alvarado Jr.

Countries are taking strict steps to stop the virus, close schools, cancel meetings, and close restaurants.

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